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Jul 14, 2020

Chris Madsen is the Head of the Global Underwriting Center at Aegon, which is based in the Netherlands. He is a certified Actuary, CFA, and has expertise in Insurtech, Internet of Things, and Blockchain. Chris is also the Co-Founder and Chairman of BlueSquare RE N.V., Aegon’s internal reinsurer. In this episode, we learn about Chris’s intentional background and how it has helped him succeed in his current role with Aegon.


Key Takeaways

  • A bit about Chris and his background.
  • Chris highlights his experience and how it has helped him with international business and cultures.
  • Should you go back to school to pursue your advanced degree?
  • Chris breaks down how he manages the big data he receives and his process for making sense of it all.
  • Where does Chris see big data going in the next three years?
  • Chris shares upcoming challenges he sees in the industry.
  • What have been some of the key lessons Chris has learned throughout his career?

Keep Getting Better


  • “Data, in and of itself, is a huge challenge. Sometimes we think it’s a fixed quantity, where we can just take the data, analyze it, and then we’re done. Of course, it’s never that simple.”
  • “Data is almost never in the format that you want it in. it’s almost never in a single environment.”
  • “We’re moving to a product space that’s more personalized. There are many reasons for this — one, consumers want it. We’ve gotten used to everything tailored to us.”