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Jan 11, 2023

Description: Elizabeth Kramer is the Chief Underwriting Officer for Munich Re Specialty Insurance, their primary specialty insurance operation for property, casualty, and specialty lines. Liz is also the president of the Association of Professional Insurance Women (APIW) and a CPCU designee. She joins the podcast for a conversation with Chris Hampshire about inclusive leadership in insurance. They discuss Liz’s experience as a female executive in the insurance industry, what attracted Liz to reinsurance and specialties, and the advice that she has for attracting and retaining talent to the insurance industry.


Key Takeaways

  • Liz shares the motivation behind earning her CPCU and ARe™ designations.

  • The surprising move behind Liz’s MBA experience.

  • What attracted Liz to reinsurance and specialties?

  • Liz’s experience as a female executive in the insurance industry.

  • Gender diversity, family planning, and career advancement breaks in industry.

  • Advice for attracting and retaining new talent to the industry.

  • Navigating the impact of technology and innovation in insurance.

  • What stays the same in the industry and what has changed?

  • The networking advice that Liz would give her younger self.



  • “Any continuous learning you have is going to help you in the next stage of your career.”

  • “Reinsurance is a fascinating and critical part of the insurance industry.”

  • “The insurance industry does a very good job at the entry-level, in particular, around gender diversity.”

  • “We need to expand the reach of where we attract talent from universities.”

  • “I would be careful that we don’t ignore all of the traditional information and knowledge that the industry has.”

  • “We really need to focus on attracting strong talent to the insurance industry.”

  • “We need to talk more about resilience and risk mitigation.”