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Nov 5, 2021

Traci Adedeji is the Insurance Operations Program Lead at AIPSO and a fellow member of the CPCU Society Leadership Council. With over 30 years of experience, Traci has specialized knowledge in the auto insurance industry. In this episode, she talks about diversity, how to start a conversation about inclusion, where self-driving vehicles are headed, and what the world of insurance will look like as more of these types of vehicles are seen on the road.


Key Takeaways

  • A little bit about Traci and how she got started.
  • Traci attributes her willingness to learn in helping her accelerate her career growth.
  • Traci shares where the industry is, as a whole, when it comes to diversity and inclusion.
  • We need to give ourselves credit that there is a problem and there isn’t a simple fix out there quite yet.
  • How do we talk about race in a safe way?
  • How do we begin to attract different sets of people in the industry?
  • What makes the insurance industry so attractive to newcomers?
  • Traci shares her thoughts on the future of the auto insurance industry.
  • Everyone needs auto insurance.
  • We need a diverse set of people and experiences when programming automated underwriting.
  • Are you comfortable interacting with the people you work with? Traci shares how you can begin getting out of your comfort zone.
  • You cannot let yourself be limited by your own false beliefs!
  • Traci thought because she wasn’t white, she didn’t have the right degree, that she wouldn’t be able to excel in her career. This is false!
  • Your possibilities are as limitless as you make them.


Keep Getting Better

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“Diversity is the biggest opportunity we have to secure the future of our industry.”


“If organizations take the time to create an inclusive and nurturing environment, that fertilizes the ground and sets the stage for better conversations.”


“The insurance industry is COVID-19 proof. There are also more diverse opportunities in this space than there were 15 years ago.”