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Sep 30, 2020

Jairek Robbins is a Performance Coach, Entrepreneur, and Author. He is a trusted advisor and board member to a variety of different companies and has conducted training for various organizations including Harvard, USMC, USAF, MLB, and many more. He will be a keynote speaker for the upcoming CPCU Society’s annual...

Sep 23, 2020

Dr. Rachel York Colangelo is the National Managing Director of Jury Consulting at Magna Legal Services. Dr. Rachel has a doctorate in legal psychology from Florida International University and a bachelor’s in psychology and sociology from the University of Virginia. Dr. Rachel has over a decade of experience in...

Sep 16, 2020

Ben Nemtin is a Best Selling Author of, What Do You Want to Do Before You Die and the star of the MTV show The Buried Life. Ben is also the co-founder of the Buried Life Movement. Ben and his friends embarked on a journey to cross off their impossible bucket list items. In doing so, they would also help someone else...

Sep 4, 2020

Jeff Gallimore is the COO for Zurich North America’s U.S. Commercial Insurance unit. Jeff has served in a wide variety of roles at Zurich for the last 12 years but prior to this, he worked with AIG for 17 years. From his 30-plus years of work experience, Jeff shares some of the key lessons learned in the industry and...